Do You Know All The Features Of Your Smart Home Security App?

Any reputable smart home security company should offer a high quality smart app. The app on your phone should not only control the main functions of your security system but also helps you with the control of some important elements that could end up saving you money. It should offer you total control of your home security and any automation functions that could really help your day to day routines for you and your family.
Today we will touch base on some of the important features that you can expect when you choose Alarm Guard Security for your protection. Keep in mind that today’s article will focus on some of the features that not everyone is aware of and should be.
Basic App Features That Every Security company should offer:
- Arm & disarm your security system from anywhere through your smart phone app.
- Receive instant notifications on events that occur regarding your security keypad and sensors associated with it.
- Update user access and codes for you and your family
- Check and see updated information as well as history from your system
The above may only be a few of the features found in the smart home security app used by Alarm Guard Security a proud TELUS Trusted Provider. But it is important to note that any reputable company should have the above features at the very least to help you control your security system.
Why are these features so important? Simply put, it is all about timing and control. Everyone knows how important it is to react to an emergency or even identify a non emergency event. Let’s face it, control needs to be at your fingertips even when you are not home. Reducing false alarms, and being alerted to real alarms is the most important part of having and using your smart security app.
Smart Video Features Of A Security App
- Live viewing of any smart WIFI cameras installed inside and outside the home.
- The ability to view recordings triggered by motion that already happened
- Receiving notifications of a live event in progress triggered by the motion parameters you setup
- Easy download of any or all video footage to your phone whether live or replayed.
- Live talk & listen through all our outdoor, indoor and doorbell cameras.
- Easy viewing of 24/7 recordings on indoor and outdoor cameras when attached with SVR or micro sd card attached with the outdoor cameras if they are V724 or V723X.
Having access to live viewing is an important part of verifying any event that is happening in real time inside or outside your property. It could be as simple as verifying your son or daughter has arrived home from school on time, or seeing a breaking happen in real time at your home or business.
Video footage takes the guesswork out of what happened..
The ability to check footage of an event that was recorded is also great, many homeowners have helped the local police in capturing a possible license plate of an intruder that broke into their neighbors. Seeing is believing and taking the guesswork out of whether action needs to be taken is time consuming or even life saving.
Smart Home Automation With Your App
- Instant access to turning smart lights on or off at any given time
- Easily putting your smart lights on a schedule
- Adjusting your smart thermostat temperature
- Easily putting your smart thermostat on a schedule that suits your needs
- Reduce your heating & cooling costs as well as your hydro
- Create scenes that will control the automation in your home and your home security system with a single push of the button
- Allowing rules to happen, this means that you can control other elements of your system if a certain event occurs. For example: if the security system is disarmed please turn on my smart lights and reduce the temperature of my home with my compatible smart thermostat.
- Granting access to your home even if you are not there, through unlocking your smart doorlock with your app.
- Ensuring your door lock is locked if someone ever forgets to lock it at night or when they leave. This can be done at certain times of the day or 30 to 60 seconds after it is unlocked.
& so much more..
Home automation is here and will continue to grow in the future. Take advantage of including it with your security system today so you can save in the long run.
Reduce the energy your home needs to suit your lifestyle. Why do you need the air conditioning running when you’re not home? Just have it turn on when you are 15 minutes or less from arriving home. The same applies in the winter, no need for heating the home to the max if it is not being used, keep it cooler when you’re away and have it heat up just before you arrive home.
Leaving lights on all day is a bad habit that happens to so many homes and usually goes unnoticed. Having control or setting up parameters to ensure this does not happen can actually save you money.
The time to bring your home up to date and take control of the important things are only a phone call away. Contact Alarm Guard Security today to find out exactly how affordable it really is. We offer plans that suit every family’s lifestyle and needs.
Alarm Guard Security
1 866 282 3331