Protecting Your Family and Possessions Against Intrusions

Protecting your family and possessions against intrusions should be a high priority for many people and when employment rates go down, the crime rate typically rises. Desperation can sometimes cause people to do things they normally would not do and to protect against the possibility of break ins, many are realizing that home security will help with their protection.
Many families for many years did not see a need for home security, especially in areas where crime has never been a big problem. Unfortunately, they are realizing the need for some sort of security after they have experienced a theft. Similar to leaving the front door open and the dog escaping, people tend to wait for something to happen only after the fact. Everyone understands that if a professional burglar wants to get into the house, there is no system that will stop them. Instead it serves as a deterrent and an instant awareness that something is occurring so action or reaction can take place. Let’s be honest, the chance of stopping a burglary in action is greater if you have a home security system in place.
How elaborate a home security system should be solely depends on the needs of the individual or family being protected. We all have different reasons but the main goal should be to save the threat of being invaded or potentially being hurt once the intruder has broken the barrier of getting into your home. The great news is most smart home security systems will have the basics to get you started. Alarm Guard Security is one of the leading providers of home security for Canadians and currently we offer pecialized packages that can meet or exceed your needs.
Protecting ourselves against car accidents or personal threats are absolutely a necessity, but how about our homes and family members who live in them. Allow me to be clear, I am not speaking of insurance where a sum of money will be paid in the event of a tragedy.
No, I am expressing the value of protecting your home and loved ones from the events of tragedy. This means pro actively taking action by planning and protecting what matters most against the clear and present dangers.
The world we currently live in demands that we educate ourselves, loved ones and even our homes against the potential threats that exist. If your home is outfitted with an outdated alarm system or not even having one at all ?
It’s time to stand up and take charge by educating your home with the most current smart home protection available. Let’s face it, we need to be 10 steps ahead of the burglars, attackers or life threats rather than being behind the eight ball.
Get the peace of mind that you deserve by saving precious seconds in the event of a disaster. A smart home security system will give you live results that notify you instantly on what is happening in and around your home.
Check out only 2 examples between smart home security and outdated alarm systems in the event of emergencies.
House Fires
With a smart home system that includes a smoke/heat device, your family will be notified through your smartphone immediately and at the same time your security monitored station receives the signal. This saves crucial time in the event of a real emergency which has a higher potential for saving lives. Every second counts when someone’s life is at stake.
An outdated alarm system does not have instant communication with the customer or the central monitoring station. It requires a phone line for communication and can cause delays which can cause a ripple effect from the moment it occurs to having responders to your home.
A smart home security system can alert you as soon as the door opens through an instant notification even when the system is not armed. When it is armed a signal is sent with a pending alarm, so unless a code is entered the alarm will proceed even if communication is broken by smashing the keypad or power.
An outdated security system relies on a few systematic events to occur before the signals can be sent to authorities. Such as a pending alarm and a code not being entered after a designated time allowing intruders more time to cut off communication and avoiding signals to monitoring stations.
This is only 2 of the reasons why homeowners are taking action and upgrading their security systems to avoid disasters. These reasons alone are enough to make anyone make the call for change, but the truth is I have 54 more important reasons. But that will be left for another blog coming soon.
On behalf of Alarm Guard Security and its branches of DiyProtection and Senior Protection please stay safe..
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