Man’s Best Friend but a Burglars Worst Enemy

A dog is certainly a valuable companion for many reasons, but many people don’t realize how their beloved family pet could actually be helping to protect their home. In addition to installing a professional home security system, having a dog is one of the most effective ways to ward off unexpected intruders.   To most…

Safe and Secure Windows

Many homeowners devote significant time and expenses to ensuring that the doors to their houses are as secure as possible, but overlook the most vulnerable entrance point into their homes: the windows. In truth, more burglars enter homes through windows than through doors, which they assume will be dead bolted or at least locked. So how can you make sure that the windows to your home are secure?

Neighborhood Safety Programs

Attention to neighborhood safety not only reduces crime but also brings citizens together. In neighborhoods around the country, volunteers are teaming up with their local law enforcement agencies to help make their communities safer. The more people that are informed and alert about crime prevention, the less opportunity there is for burglary, vandalism, kidnapping or other neighborhood crimes to occur. If members of your community are interested in staring a neighborhood safety program in your area, there are many strategies you can employ to make your program more successful.


Social Networking—Keep Safe by Keeping Cautious

Social networking sites are addictively fun. Most of us are comfortable using at least one, if not a few, to keep in touch with friends both near and far, to update followers on our daily happenings, and to generally pass the time with new photos, statuses, and posts from others enjoying the web. Yet, with this wealth of information about our “friends”—many people with access to our accounts are not actual real life acquaintances but friends of friends or legitimate strangers, privacy issues and security concerns are highly relevant. Be sure to be to cautious in how much and what types of information you share on sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, and the infinite variety of others. Here are some tips for staying safe while staying social: