Home Security With Medical Protocol

Canadians are struggling to find the right solution that covers all their protection needs, managing their lifestyle and in many cases extended family. More and more families are building larger homes to accommodate their elderly parents or grandparents. Due to the high costs associated with assisted living and retirement homes, many families
cannot incur the insane cost to have their elderly family members living in these facilities. So they merge households giving them comfort and protection from the elements outside the home. But what protects them in the home ?
False Sense Of Protection
Truth be told while the family is either working or in school, our elderly family members are home alone without care or assistance. What happens if they fall and are unable to get to a phone to call for help ? Or simply cannot get out of bed due to a sudden sickness or ailment… There are some great solutions from Alarm Guard Security that
can be added to your existing alarm system that offer medical protection devices.
Medical Added To Your Home Security System
A medical pendant is a single button device attached to a watch strap or lanyard, used to trigger an emergency. Programmed to an alarm system to indicate a medical emergency, the pendant is perfect for the elderly or those with disabilities. This is water resistant up to 1 meter and works within a range of up to 100 feet from the security keypad. This is a perfect solution for people who are home alone and allows them to easily alert authorities to potential medical problems whether grabbing the mail, working in the garden or just a relaxing evening at home. Would you believe there is no additional cost on a monthly basis above your security system rates ?
Help !! I Can’t Get Up..
Don’t panic !! Sorry that wasn’t very funny. But i do have great news though.. There
is a medical fall detection device that can be added to our security system monitoring
and better yet at no additional cost for monthly monitoring. The fall detection pendant is designed for a user to push the button for help at any time. It can also automatically activate an emergency alarm if it detects a fall in the event that the user is unable to trigger an alarm by pressing the button. This device can also be used within 100 feet from the keypad inside and outside around the home.
Let’s Add Two Way Voice Control
Many companies have the feature of two way voice control on the keypads they sell and service, but never add the service to customers as it comes at a higher premium from the monitoring station. Perhaps this is not offered or mentioned to the customer in the fear of losing them as a customer due to an increased monthly rate. At Alarm Guard Security we include this service in all our current security packages through the 5 Diamond rated ADT monitoring stations.
How Does 2 Way Voice Control Work
In the event of a medical emergency, through the activation of a medical pendant or by pushing the emergency button on a keypad. A live operator from the central monitoring station will proceed to speak through the keypad and offer assistance. This peace of mind process can help for both emergencies as well as saving on false alarms.
For More Information Contact Alarm Guard Security Today !!
To Learn More About Medical Alert Systems When Your Not Home Click Here or call us on 1 866 282 3331