Top 10 Questions To Ask Before Selecting A Home Security Provider

Selecting the best home security provider for your home can be challenging if you don’t know the right questions to ask. Many times we focus on the price of equipment and service alone which leads us down the wrong path. In order to know if you have made the right decision, consider answering these 10 questions about your potential security provider.
1. How old is the company and how long have they been in home security ?
In home & business security, the length of time a provider has been established directly translates to their experience. With an experienced company handling your home security, you can rest assured knowing that you are receiving the best service. The minimum suggested age for a security company is recommended of at least 10 years old, any provider less than 10 years established may be too new to experiment with.
Allowing any service provider into your home can be risky, and the security profession is no exception.
2. Ask them what brand of equipment they use?
It is always recommended to conduct your own research on the available equipment currently being used by security companies in Canada. Once you have an idea of the top accepted brands of security equipment you can then seek advice from an expert to find out if they use reputable equipment.
The equipment they offer should have the ability to provide you and your family convenient ways ofmonitoring your home from your smartphone, computer or any smart device.
A Professional system would have the following:
Secure Mobile app: Securely access all of your system’s features.
Optional Video service: View the security feed and video on the same secure app.
Notification system: Email, phone and text notifications when the alarm is being triggered.
Remote access: Having the ability to arm or disarm your system from anywhere in the world.
Home Automation: Can the equipment accept home automation integration without upgrading the
Before you purchase a new home security system and commit to a monitoring agreement, make sure you know what kind of equipment it will include and how it works.
3. How often does the company implement a check on their systems?
Most reputable and large companies have built in regular diagnostic checks of all their current customers to ensure everything is running smooth. For example; Alarm Guard Security runs an automatic communication test every 24 hours opposed to other security companies who practice this same procedure every 30 days.
Regular checks by the provider ensure that your system is in perfect working condition at all times. Here are some great features that should be included in your security service and app features:
Low Battery Alerts ! Equipment Malfunctions ! Communication Failures ! Instant Alarm Alerts !
4. In the event that you move, do you get to keep your system?
Some companies will allow you to move with your system and maintain the current contract agreement while others may not. If you think you might move before the expiration of your signed agreement, perhaps you should choose a provider that will allow you to do so.
5. Is the company and service approved so you can get a home insurance discount?
This may depend on your insurance provider, but the installation of reputable systems and services can get you a discount on your home or business insurance.
Beware: DIY home security systems and wireless security cameras are becoming very popular in today’s market. But less than 5% come with professional equipment and monitoring.
Canada’s Top DIY Home Security Choice 1 844 898 8349
6. Do you have to sign an agreement term ? If so, for how long ?
Most companies will offer you a monitoring term, this is not a bad thing it simply means that you are committing to their service for a period of time and in return you are given a better deal on the up front equipment charges, labor and more. But it is important to know the details..
★ How long is the contract and is there a renewal fee or does it go month to month ?
★ Is the equipment under warranty as long as you’re under contract ?
★ Do they have a relocation program in case you move ?
7. Location – Location – Location
Most companies have online platforms and can sell across Canada, but that doesn’t always mean they would be able to service your needs in a timely manner. For example: if you live in Toronto ON, would you be looking at having a company that is localised in the Edmonton AB region ? Perhaps they use third party companies for their installation, now you have to deal with 2 different companies that defeats the purpose of having a reliable great service.
8. Are they fully licensed, Insured and Bonded ?
When a reputable security company is fully licensed, they are operating under certain laws and regulations for the area. This would be a great opportunity to ask who is the monitoring station that will be providing the response for your home 24/7. How many provinces do they operate in ? Reputable stations will have stations in the east, central and west to accommodate for time shifts and better service.
9. What is the actual cost for everything ?
Once you know all the details of the agreement, equipment & service you can put together your total real cost over the term of the contract. Some companies charge upfront for equipment and low monitoring fees where others will charge $0 down but slightly higher monthly fees. Under normal circumstances they usually work out to the same over the term.
10. Ask if there are any hidden costs or fees ?
Some providers will offer their service low online for marketing purposes and then do a swap over the phone to entice you to grab their offer. What are the activation fees ? Installation costs ? Service charges ? or any other related charge not specified in writing or provided upfront.
Congratulations, if you get the answers to these 10 questions, you will be on the right path to ensuring your safety and happiness with your security provider. Added peace of mind for you and your family. 🙂
Contact Alarm Guard Security today for more information about getting you protected professionally..
Alarm Guard Security – Protection Across Canada
1 866 282 3331