Canada Housing Market Becomes Alarming

Maintaining your home and protecting your investment in Canada is now becoming a more difficult task than thought otherwise. With the rising rate of interest on mortgages, repair costs and essential living costs with owning a home in Canada has homeowners alarmed and severely concerned.
Covid19 has affected everything we do, everything we buy and more importantly how we conduct our families’ decisions. Protecting our investments should become our #1 priority for 2023. For homeowners this is becoming a struggle and one of the hardest things to maintain in our current economy.
Downsizing Vs Tightening Up
Taking a hard look at the current housing market from 2022, seems to becoming worse for 2023. Some homeowners may find themselves in a predicament of losing their homes due to the overwhelming increase of interest rates that will affect their mortgage payments. When they compare mortgage payments versus the high increase in rent they may encounter after selling it does not seem like a viable option or out.
For other homeowners it may seem as simple as tightening up the budget, but how can that be feasible when the increasing rates of basic necessities such as food, utilities, clothing and so much more is peaking at an all-time high. Who could have predicted such a reversal of daily living expense and owning your own home with soaring interest rates and mortgage payments. Sacrifices must be performed in our daily routine from the whole family in order to get through this troubling time.
Protecting Our Investment – Together
One thing is for certain, more and more families are coming together to help support each other mentally and physically to help combat any frightening circumstances. Protecting our investment (home ownership) can be achieved when family members come together and support each other. Pooling resources, more helping hands, family meetings with goals and updates can bring you closer together as well as help achieve a common goal.
Help from our family and extended family can come in many forms other than from monetary purposes. Simple chores and maintenance can be a huge help and reduce stress around the home. Many families have different schedules and pooling resources including common tasks that can help eliminate or reduce certain costs. Childcare as an example is at an all-time high and can be an overwhelming expense that can severely impact whether both parents can or should work or not. It has become a question whether the expense will outweigh the income that is generated based on the occupation.
More and more retired parents and grandparents are being called upon for help from younger families struggling to succeed or get ahead in this current economy. In 2020 listed childcare expenses were between $800.00 to $1,700.00 per month depending on the age and institution. For families with more than one child this expense can break the bank for them. Asking for help from Grandma or Grandpa could actually benefit everyone involved.
Sometimes we make bad decisions when we attempt to prioritize our expenses in order to save some money. Our family safety should never be one of them. If anything, this is the time we need to concentrate more on our family safety and concerns that may arise.
With violence & theft on the rise we need to take this time to reevaluate the threats to our safety in our home and to our family. Burglaries, home invasions, vandalism continue to rise, and this is not expected to change anytime soon for 2023. Unfortunately, with people becoming desperate in our society, they tend to make some serious bad decisions based on impulse and incorrect thoughts without evaluating the ramifications of their actions.
Health, Safety & Awareness For 2023
Many families struggle in finding the best solution towards helping their family and home become safe. Now is the time to reach out to a professional for free advice and information on what is available and affordable to you.
Alarm Guard Security is proudly Canadian and protecting families across Canada for over 19 years strong. We offer a solution for every family, home or business and the information we supply is absolutely free.
Contact us today to learn how to protect your family and home for less than the cost of a cup of coffee or tea per day. I would gladly give up one cup of coffee per day to secure the safety of my family or home, wouldn’t you?
Call 1 877 207 1867 and speak with a security consultant today.