Protecting Your Children From Bullying Or The Aftermath

It seems that bullying is happening more and more since the onset of social media. What used to be a few bullies at school who picked on kids and were called to the principal’s office is a thing of the past.
As great as the innovation of technology has been, the unfortunate problem of social media bullying has definitely taken it to newer heights. With most of our children being forced to attend school online, it brings isolation from friends and family on a daily basis. The computer has become the forum of interaction and social behaviour.
The widespread bullying that is currently occurring online has taken a toll on many children and their family life. As parents we need to understand how we can help our children deal with such a difficult situation.
But First We Need To Understand Why ?
The dictionary defines bullying as:
a blustering, mean, or predatory person who, from a perceived position of relative power, intimidates, abuses, harasses, or coerces people, especially those considered unlikely to defend themselves:
So what would prompt anyone to actually intend to hurt, anger or frustrate another individual ? Are we to believe that someone would actually do it for the enjoyment of it ? There has to be a reason or at the very least a hypothesis. Here is mine..
The bully is directing their anger, hurt and possible frustrations onto someone they believe will not fight back. An easy target they can open the flood gates and lay on their own frustrations that might have come from their own life.
It has been reported that bullying happens from individuals with low self-esteem, possibly by living with difficult situations at their home. Bullying has been used as a way to relieve anger or make oneself feel more important by belittling others. Unfortunately bullying has always been around, but with the creation and popularity of online social media it is becoming unbelievably worse.
Our children used to leave school and come back to the safety of their own homes after being bullied. Now it is happening right inside our homes through smartphones, tablets or computers. Now that we have a small understanding of what and why bullies do what they do. Let’s take a look at the other side and the effects it has on the innocent victims.
What Bullying Can Do To A Child
The act of being bullied can cause a child to lower their self-esteem, causing them to feel insecure and possibly isolate them-self from the people that love and protect them.
This can lead to depression and affect how they communicate with friends and family. Trust becomes harder and harder for them and without help can lead into their adulthood.
Helping Our Children Combat The Worse
We need to teach our children about their rights as individuals. The law is meant to protect them and by understanding it completely can help give them some power to combat any attacks.
Everyone has the right to feel safe and secure, sometimes we need to remind our children to relieve them from the threat of violence.
If your child is being bullied, be sure to contact the appropriate authorities to help handle the situation. If it is happening at school then reach out to the teachers or principal, and if needed the police.
Honesty is always the best policy and explaining how to properly deal with bullies will give them the power and means to fight back. This does not mean fighting physically but to overcome and having the ability to have a voice. Role playing is very effective and can help build their confidence if the time ever arises for them to use it.
Honour But Monitor For Safety
Be sure to respect your child’s privacy but it is important to monitor their internet use to ensure they are not being threatened online. Always remember that our children think of us as guardians and protectors so helping them manage online should not be any different.
By showing our children we will stand up for them no matter the circumstance, they will truly understand how safe they are and they can rely on us for information, guidance and above all safety.
Safety starts in the home, show your child what peace of mind really is.
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