Teaching Our Children about Safety

Alarm Guard Security prides itself on smart home security and safety. Our ultimate goal is to educate Canadians as well as help protect what matters most “family”. This article is dedicated to help keep the awareness active and offer information for the continuous safety of our children.
Kids are often very curious and sometimes aren’t very aware that there are numerous dangers surrounding them every day. It’s important that we get our kids to be conscious of dangers to help keep them safe. Listed below are steps to ensure that your children are conscientious about their own safety in and around the home.
- Teach your children how to make emergency calls in case of a serious emergency. Ensure they know the difference between someone needing help and calling about a minor issue like one of their toys being lost. Teach them the emergency numbers and have them posted in a visible location. Ask them frequently to recite the emergency number of 911 so it’s second nature to dial, even when they are scared and panicked.
- Review the emergency exit plan with your children frequently. In case of a fire, ensure that they know how to get out of the house and where they should meet once they’re outside. Practice this monthly because for many, doing is better than telling as they learn and know it better by doing the action.
- Teach your children about when to feel uncomfortable in certain situations. Ensure that they know to stay away from strangers. However, do it in a way that they aren’t scared of every person they meet. Teach your child what a stranger is and avoid teaching them that all strangers are dangerous, since this is not the case.
- Our children should be taught about what a dangerous situation will look like. They should know that if someone they do not know tries to take them somewhere, they should run away screaming, “Someone’s trying to take me!” or something along those lines, to let others know they need help. With that in mind they should know that if someone is chasing them, they should run into a safe place. A safe place is any place that has multiple people inside – like a grocery store or a library, for example. Another situation may be when someone is trying to physically harm your child.
- Who and what makes a stranger ? . Provide your child with a private family code word that can be used if they are ever picked up by someone they are unfamiliar with. They should never get in an unfamiliar vehicle, even if it seems innocent enough. If someone tries to get them to go in a vehicle, then they should leave and find a trusted adult right away.
- Always have a recent picture of your child with you. Nowadays it is almost impossible to not have one on your cell phone but If they were to ever go missing in a shopping center or crowded area, show the picture to security or police so they can help you find them. Keep the info about your child up to date. Know their height, weight, eye color, and any birthmarks they may have. This will also help the police to find your child.
The safety of our children is so important. It’s important that we teach them how to be safe, especially in situations where we aren’t there. Remember though not to scare your children about certain situations. You don’t want them to be scared of every person they see, but you do want them to be aware of the people and their surroundings. When your child is safety conscious, you help to decrease the risk of anything happening to them.
Listen, we understand this is not an easy read, but it is extremely important to stay educated and pass the information on to your family and friends. Alarm Guard Security offers services that help protect and potentially save lives. Whether you need smart home security, Personal Emergency Response Services or Home Automation feel free to contact us anytime. We can help protect you, your family, and your home, cottage or business.
1 866 282 3331