Home Security System
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Protecting Your Family and Possessions Against Intrusions

Protecting your family and possessions against intrusions should be a high priority for many people and when employment rates go down, the crime rate typically rises. Desperation can sometimes cause people to do things they normally would not do and to protect against the possibility of break ins, many are realizing that home security will…

Making Safety a Priority in Your Family Life
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Making Safety A Priority In Your Family Life

There is no denying the fact that the dangers out there are very real and your child is susceptible to them all. Luckily you can implement so many strategies that help protect your little ones and keep them safe at any age as long as you are willing to take the necessary steps for that…

Why Cottage Owners are Reluctant to Install a Security System

Why Cottage Owners are Reluctant to Install a Security System

As the weather warms, highways across the country will be filling up with cars heading out of the city and into the country and lakesides as cottages once again open up for the season. For most, it’s the annual start to another fun-filled summer of sun, barbeques, and swimming. Yet for too many, returning to…

Could the Heists and Robberies on Film Succeed in Real Life?

Could the Heists and Robberies on Film Succeed in Real Life?

From flashy getaway cars to million-dollar jewel thefts, heist movies show a glamorous world of high-end robberies. Employing the latest tech and a covert team of experts, these films have audiences rooting for the bad guys. But are their sophisticated schemes possible in real life? Motion sensors In multiple action flicks, the skilled thief tries…

The Disturbing Trend of Young Burglars – Some as Young as 12

The Disturbing Trend of Young Burglars – Some as Young as 12

Across the country the school year is winding down and kids of every age group are no doubt looking forward to a long and relaxing summer. For some though, the warm months will not be spent at a park or camp but in a jail cell or courtroom. Recently, a rash of residential and commercial…

Selling the House, PTSD and other Serious Effects of Home Burglary
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Selling the House, PTSD and other Serious Effects of Home Burglary

A home burglary is one of the most traumatic experiences of a person’s life and unfortunately it happens all too often. A house is broken into every 90 seconds in Canada and thieves target all types of neighbourhoods and families. Even Taylor Swift’s expensive NYC pad was broken into twice this year. Sadly, many begin…