Alarm Guard Security Is Coming To A City Near You..

The year 2022 has arrived and it is beginning to shape up for quite the adventure. The sun is shining and the temperature is becoming more acceptable for outdoor excursions and travel. Unfortunately the same can be said for crime, with the increasing rate of car jacking, home invasions and theft.
Alarm Guard Security has begun our “Safety Tour” for 2022 with the first destination placed at the Ancaster Lifestyle Spring Home show during April 29th – May 1st, 2022. The three day event allowed local companies to showcase products and services for Ancaster Ontario and the surrounding area residents who were in attendance.
Alarm Guard Security proudly represented smart home security along with its sister company Senior Protection that created awareness surrounding Personal Emergency Response Services. The weekend was a success for our company
and is solely due to the representatives who proudly stepped up and made it all happen.
Chris Lue AG’s National Trainer, Susan Tan SP’s Program Director launched the show off on Friday April 29th with a complete setup of our booth in preparation for the foot traffic that was to occur throughout the weekend. The hard work was evident as the Alarm Guard booth was well presented and displayed for the weekend thanks to Chris and Susan.
The show was a complete success throughout the weekend as we had the privilege to engage with all the local residents of Ancaster ON, and surrounding areas that attended. Many of which took advantage of the great special promotions that we launched specially for this event including our smart home protection packages as well as our medical alert device program.
The Ancaster Lifestyle Spring Home show that took place during April 29th – May
1st, 2022 was the first of many scheduled events Alarm Guard Security and our
sister company Senior Protection have planned throughout the summer.
A special thank you to all the members of the Alarm Guard team who
volunteered their time and efforts in making our first event such a success.
Susan Tan: Program Director of Senior Protection
Chris Lue: National Trainer for Alarm Guard Security
Nikita Chaudhary: HR & Recruiting Manager for Alarm Guard Security
Melissa Camara: Senior Customer Care Rep for Senior Protection
Hifza Ali: Dispatch & Inventory Manager for Alarm Guard Security
Helly Trivedi: Smart Home Security Sales Manager (Mississauga Location)
Glen Campbell: Director at Alarm Guard, Senior Protection & DiyProtection
Alarm Guard Security would also like to take this opportunity to send a special thanks to the committee and organizers of the Ancaster Lifestyle Spring Home Show for making such a great weekend possible.
Looking for a medical alert device with fall detection and two way voice ? Safe in the shower and keeps you safe everywhere you go in Canada ? Contact Senior Protection Today!
1 866 416 0838
Looking to protect your home and family ? Alarm Guard Security offers complete service coast to coast across Canada. Contact us to take advantage of our current safety promotions package that includes the best equipment and service in the industry.
1 866 282 3331