Carbon Monoxide Detector Placement & Protection

Carbon Monoxide Detector Placement & Protection

THE SECRET KILLER EXPOSED !! Protecting your loved ones from outside threats is very important, but the reality is there are so many potential hazards within the home. Today we are going to touch base on an important and deadly threat that can also impact your family’s safety and well-being. Carbon Monoxide (aka CO) is…

Wireless Security Systems
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Are Wireless Security Systems Secure?

Are Wireless Security Systems Secure? The answer is YES and NO. The reason for my answer and covering both sides of the spectrum is it really depends on the wireless security system in question.  Also that raises more important questions such as, frequency, distance and encryption. When i say frequency I am speaking of the…

What is Z wave and how does it work for smart home devices

What is Z wave and how does it work for smart home devices?

To put it as simple as possible Z wave is a wireless protocol that essentially connects smart home devices for commands. Basically the language that devices use to speak to perhaps a security keypad or a hub that allows the user to send and receive commands from. Unlocking a door, turning on lights or even…

Home At Risk For Burglary Or Vandalism?

Is Your Home At Risk For Burglary Or Vandalism?

A home security assessment is essential to identifying weaknesses in the physical environment that might provide an easy opportunity for a crime to occur. Read our security assessment recommendation and learn how to combat the tricks of the trade by burglars. Create a checklist to assist you in identifying possible weaknesses in and around the…

Why do people have alarm systems but fail to set them?

Why do people have alarm systems but fail to set them?

There are many reasons why families and businesses decide to install a security system. For many, unfortunately, the purchase comes after they became a victim of a burglary. Others are eager for a discount on their home or property insurance. Some just appreciate the peace of mind that comes with having a professionally-protected building and…

security system for renters

Can you add a security system to a rental property?

When most people think of home alarms, they think of a bulky system designed to protect a sprawling house. While protection for multi-room residences are indeed part of the security business, it’s not the only type of property that needs safety measures. Due to rising home prices, more and more families are seeking rental apartments…