How to Protect Your Business / Investment The Smart Way
Owning a business is incredibly exhausting and can be overwhelming when it comes to details of running the daily operations. Choosing security and protection for today’s business owner is almost as if they are going through the motions to simply please their insurance company. Obtaining the security certificate for insurance is important but there is so much more than that. Many entrepreneurs don’t realize how effective a smart business security solution can help them manage and protect what matters most to them Money
When someone mentions the word protection or security the first thing that comes to mind is usually “burglary” or “vandalism”. Although this is true, it’s only a small part of the important features that a smart business security platform can offer. Absolutely, its great to know that your security system will announce the presence of an intruder in your absence. But how does that help you as a business owner on a daily operations basis?
Let’s start by talking about keeping track of your employees and whether the business opens and closes on time everyday. With a smart business security system you can track who and when opens your store as soon as it happens. The smart enterprise application connected through your smartphone enables instant notifications and control through your security system. This means you don’t have to call the security company any longer to have a technician come to your place of business and insert or delete user codes for your new hires or fires of your staff. All this can be done through your phone app or laptop anywhere in the world, that’s right you don’t have to be at the keypad to do it.
With the push of a button you can set up notifications on doors, safes, filing cabinets or just about any device that opens or closes or enables movement. As an example, if you own a restaurant and have a safe that you do not want opened when you are not there, then you can setup a notification or even an alarm sent directly to your phone alerting you immediately. The same can apply to your office door, produce freezer after hours etc. The point I am trying to make is if you have areas of your business that your employees are not supposed to be at certain times of the day, you can collect video or instant text notifications alerting you of the event. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that something is happening instantly rather than the next day to your surprise?
Everyone knows how important schedules are and how they must be adhered to in order to run a successful business. Smart schedules will alert you when your security system is not disarmed by a certain time in the morning, which means it has not opened on time. Take one step further and set user levels so employees that only work on weekends cannot disarm the security system during the week.
In order to keep this article short enough we have only touched base on a few of the essential perks that come with a smart business security system. Before you simply go through the motions in selecting your next security option for your business remember this:
Wouldn’t it be great:
- To instantly know if employees are entering areas of concern?
- To be alerted if the power goes out at your place of business?
- Be aware when and who opens the business everyday?
Most importantly have total control of your smart business from anywhere in the world.